Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Film Noir Response

Sarah Trowbridge
5 Minutes to Live (1961)
Directed by Bill Karn
This film was about a gang that terrorized people and killing people.  The main characters were Johnny (played by Johnny Cash and Mrs. Wilson.  Johnny and the other gang member spy on Mrs. Wilson's family until she is alone and Johnny goes in and tortures her all day long.  It ends up that her young son Bobby is the one that saves the day.  He ends up coming from school early and lucky for Mrs. Wilson, Johnny had a weakness for children and could not get himself to kill her when her son was around.  I enjoyed watching this film, the plot was very interesting and it kept you wondering what was going on and what was going to happen.
Some things I noticed about the filming style is that the camera would be very close in on the characters' faces at times when they were talking.  The light was harsh and the contrast was strong. It was interesting thinking about how much the style of filming and plot lines have changed and what will happen next with it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

This Vid

I love the detail shots in this video - the getting ready processes.
The getting ready process is something we never get too see of viewers of a sport we don't do.
there is something special to me about the preparation of sport.


Also this one.
More on the macro scale - a good visual of what I want to do with the waxing scenes.
