Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Film Noir Response

Sarah Trowbridge
5 Minutes to Live (1961)
Directed by Bill Karn
This film was about a gang that terrorized people and killing people.  The main characters were Johnny (played by Johnny Cash and Mrs. Wilson.  Johnny and the other gang member spy on Mrs. Wilson's family until she is alone and Johnny goes in and tortures her all day long.  It ends up that her young son Bobby is the one that saves the day.  He ends up coming from school early and lucky for Mrs. Wilson, Johnny had a weakness for children and could not get himself to kill her when her son was around.  I enjoyed watching this film, the plot was very interesting and it kept you wondering what was going on and what was going to happen.
Some things I noticed about the filming style is that the camera would be very close in on the characters' faces at times when they were talking.  The light was harsh and the contrast was strong. It was interesting thinking about how much the style of filming and plot lines have changed and what will happen next with it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

This Vid

I love the detail shots in this video - the getting ready processes.
The getting ready process is something we never get too see of viewers of a sport we don't do.
there is something special to me about the preparation of sport.


Also this one.
More on the macro scale - a good visual of what I want to do with the waxing scenes.


Saturday, November 29, 2014


got some shots of the snowfall
it was unfortunate that the weather was so sudden!
haha not much a huge transition


I want to do some close shots of Will
maybe shots consisting of:
getting ready in the morning
everyday actions like shoveling, making coffee

walking around the house in an ancy mood/like he is waiting
quick shots using raw noise.

*This coming weekend I will be filming waxing skis and going outside.

Still can't decide whether I want the majority of film to be skiing or the preparation of the season

I chose to do this topic because getting ready for the season is one of my favorite times of the year and the climax being that first time out skiing.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


The next available weekend I will be in Duluth is December 5-6.
I plan to get ALL of my filming completed by this date IF NOT the weekend after for sure.
I plan to edit as I go and continue to keep adding clips.


So far, I have only been able to film the weekly stills due to weekend out of town-ness and daylight!! 
This is the transformation so far at a couple of my locations. 
The last 2 weeks have looked pretty similar! haha! Hopefully this week will show some differences! And especially when the snow comes! I am very excited about the way it is turning out. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

New Idea..

I have been thinking and re thinking quite a bit about my concept and I am straying away from my original idea because I am at such a loss as to how I would show my idea clearly.

My mind keeps going back to skiing and how that is my passion and I want to pursue a career in ski film.

I want to make a film about the anticipation of winter and the anticipation to ski and snowboard.

I think it is something everyone can relate to with something they love, even if someone cant wait for summer just to feel the warm sun.

I will be using a tripod and capturing still videos of landscapes that will transform as the season changes to winter.

I want to capture these landscapes every week and parallel the changing of the season to the preparation to ski.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Technical Things

I want to have a few shots shot by next Friday October 2nd.
I love centered shots, I will use some shots with a lot of landscape and I will have other shots closer in on the subject.

I want to do a shot of someone walking through the trails of Chester possibly, looking at their phone and never acknowledging the beauty or maybe the people around them.


October 2nd - Have interviews done and the new shots I have in mind shot.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


It's hard to nail my concept onto one point just because I could go on and on!
But I want to emphasize the point that with technology the overall trade off is convenience over intimacy. We are too involved in the media and web and online social networking to fully notice the people around us and how that may be affecting our relationships. And I am guilty of this as well.
BUT I want this video to open the eyes of those who have never given this a second thought.

I came up with this idea by thinking of what my biggest fears could be and how I could make people think.  The first thing I thought of was the world my children are going to grow up in, I am afraid to the things they will be exposed to upon their birth through adulthood.
I grew up in such a good time where we didn't have technology, it was natural and first choice to go play outside and create relationships with people.
I worry about what is going to happen to those things and even the fear that they will become obsolete!


I will start by interviewing people of all ages asking how they communicate with people and how they see others communicate with people.  I will film these in a way so they have the potential to actually be in my final film, but for now I am mostly looking to the words of others to inspire my work.
I want to use live action mainly, animation and green screen are not my strong points so I want to stick with what I strive in.
I am working on a potential shoot schedule right now!!


This video does an amazing job at powerfully and clearly conveying the message without actually saying it and that's what I love about it, it so clearly shows how people are so involved with their phones and not involved with real life and the people around them.

This ad campaign "Innocence in Danger" advertises the effects and dangers of sexual predators online, even though this isn't directly the topic I want to look into, it does show the negative effects that technology has on our younger generations. 

I love Wes Anderson's shots, they are very direct and personal and that is how I want my film to feel.


This will be a place where I sort out my thoughts and inspiration in words and see what will come out of it!